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DR RV ANAND SENIOR NEUROLOGIST SAI NEUROCLINIC ABHRAMAPURAM AND MANDAVELISEIZURES IN PREGNANCY can be due to undeerlying seizure disorder or part of pregnancy induced hypertension which is otherwise called ECLAMPSIA.if it is due to long standing se

Hey are you looking for neurologist near Velachery ?fits can occur most commonly after delivery in postpartum period it is most commonly due to blood clot in brain veins . This occurs due to inadequate hydration

Hey are you looking for neurologist near maduravoyil ?seizures or fits occurring in women after delivery has to be considered seriously . It could due to pregnancy induced hypertension or blood clot in brain veins

Hey are you looking for neurologist near RA PuramAre you having headache following deliveryIt could be due to venous clot in the brainIt most commonly occurs due to dehydrationHence drinking water and increasing the fluid intake is a must after d
